Microsoft Connected Cache

Microsoft Connected Cache

Microsoft Connected Cache

Since version 1906 of Configuration Manager, it is possible to install a Microsoft Connected Cache server on distribution points. This functionnality has been renamed Microsoft Connected Cache with version 1910 of Configuration Manager. This server is a Transparent on-demand caching server for uploaded content through distribution optimization. It is possible to limit the use of this server using client settings. So it is easy to limit access to this feature only to the local Configuration Manager client.

How it works

When a client is configured to use this feature, the request made by the client is not made to the CDNs but to the cache server. The content is cached so that the server can respond to future requests from clients requesting the resource. In case caching is not yet enabled or the resource is not cached, the client will retrieve the sources directly from the Internet. The Distribution Optimization feature is used for downloading. This feature allows an optimization of the distribution.

Microsoft Connected Cache - How it works
  • 1 – SCCM Client searches ressource and found the address of the CDN (content distribution network)
  • 2 – Configuration Manager configure the parameters for optimizing the distribution to the customer. Thee client obtain the name of the cache server.
  • 3 – Configuration Manager client A request ressource to the cache server.
  • 4 – If the resource is not cached. Configuration Manager client download to the CDN (content distribution network)
  • 5 – If the cache server does not reply. Configuration Manager client download to the CDN (content distribution network)
  • 6 – Configuration Manafer use distribution optimisation for ressource

Prerequisites and limitation

The following points detail the prerequisites as well as the limitations of the functionality.

  • Local distribution point installed on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 ou Windows Server 2019.
  • Default web site enable on port 80.
  • The IIS functionnality Application Request Routing (ARR) is not preinstalled on the cache server. Please note that the ARR configuration of Connected Cache may conflict with another application that also uses this feature.
  • The distribution point must be have an access to the Microsoft Cloud. With the version 2002 of Configuration Manager, you can use a proxy server without authentification for access to Internet.
  • The workstation must run Windows 10 1709 or higher.
  • Intune application must be on Win32 format.

Enable connected cache

From the Configuration Manager console, open Administration tab and select Distribution point node. Select local distribution point and access to the properties.

Microsoft Connected Cache - Access to the properties of the local distribution point

From the General tab, click on Enable this distribution point to be used as Microsoft Connected Cache server

Microsoft Connected Cache - Enable server cache

Accept the terms of the licence by check By checking this box, I acknowledge that I accept the Licence Terms. Select the Local drive to be used and the Disk space

Microsoft Connected Cache - Enable server cache

You can use distmgr.log to verify installation.

Log for verify installation

You can also use DoincSetup.log present on SMS_DP$\Ms.Dsp.Do.Inc.Setup.

Verify log for setup

Configure client parameter

From the Configuration Manager console, open Administration tab and click on Client Settings. Open the desired device settings or create a new one.

Microsoft Connected Cache - Configure client settings

Select Delivery Optimization tab and configure to Yes the settings Use Configuration Manager Boundary Groups for Delivery Optimization Group and Enable devices managed by Configuration Managers to use Microsoft Connected Cache servers for content download.

Microsoft Connected Cache - Configure client settings

Configure client parameter

Configure co-management.You can use this link for configure co-management. Configure Client apps on Pilot Intune or on Intune.

Microsoft Connected Cache - Configure co-management

From the Windows 10 computer, verify the DeliveryOptimization key (HKLM / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / DeliveryOptimization)

Delivery Optimization key

From the company portal, i download application deployed by Intune. This application is cached on Configuration Manager.

Application is cached

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