Test customsettings.ini

Test customsettings.ini

Test customsettings.ini

There is a procedure to test the customsettings.ini file before starting the deployment. This is to ensure that the settings are OK.

The principle is to test the “gather” of MDT. Create a folder that will contain the files needed for the tests. Copy the following files :

  • Customsettings.ini
  • ZTIDataAccess.vbs
  • ZTIGather.wsf
  • ZTIGather.xml
  • ZTIUtility.vbs

Create an x86 folder and put the file “Microsoft.BDD.Utility.dll” in it. Create a batch file Gather.cmd with the following contents

if exist C:\MININT\Nul rd C:\MININT /s /q 
cscript.exe ZTIGather.wsf /debug:true

If you have not already done so, install ConfigMgr 2007 toolkit to retrieve Trace32.exe. Run the Gather.cmd file and analyze the C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS\ZTIGather.log file with Trace32. You will be able to check all your parameters. (OR, machine name, applications….)

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