Windows ADK
It is difficult to talk about deployment without saying the word WAIK. This tool allows us to use tools such as Imagex but above all allows us to create a custom WinPE image.
With Windows 8, Windows AIK becomes Windows ADK. It will encompass a multitude of tools :
Deployment tools : DISM (Wim file modification), USMT (profile and user data migration), Imagex (image capture/deployment, mount/unmount wim file),…
Assessment Toolkit : New tool dedicated to the study of performance on a workstation (allows to observe the behaviour of workstations)
Windows Performance Toolkit : Tool used for the support, it will allow a rather nice observation of the workstations (process, % of use,…)
For the time being, only MSDN subscribers can download Windows ADK, keen to make it available to others so that they can start testing a promising tool.