Fix KB3148812 problem

Fix KB3148812 problem
The KB3148812 update installation problems. In fact after installing the administration console WSUS becomes inaccessible. Moreover customers no longer have the opportunities to contact the WSUS server. Initially Microsoft recommended not to install or remove it for those who carry out the installation of the update.
KB 3159706
Microsoft has made available a new KB (KB3159706) for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
Upgrade in Windows 10 uses an encrypted package for Windows Updated. This order to deploy the package to several countries at the same time the day J. The Windows Update of Windows 10 client is able to decrypt these packages from the RTM version. Nevertheless on WSUS, the latter does not have this possibility. The decryption was therefore done manually for WSUS. This KB implements decryption for the 2012 R2 Server and WSUS 2012 Server server solution.
It is very important to deploy this hotfix. Without this it will be impossible to deploy with WSUS next build Windows 10 (Anniversary Update). Windows Server 2016 will have him this feature natively.
Where can found the update
Update has been made available in the WSUS catalog, it is therefore necessary to proceed with the WSUS server synchronization. Subsequently an approval for installation of the update must be performed.
This update requires certain prerequisites described in the KB below.
Install KB3159706
Installation of KB requires as a first step to uninstall the KB3148812(these updates modify the same files as KB3159706. You can remove KB3148812 (if you don’t recognize this KB, then no action is needed). After completing the installation of the update, a restart of the WSUS server is required. If you install a language pack after you install this update, you must reinstall this update. Therefore, we recommend that you install any language packs that you need before you install this update. You can now fix KB3148812 problem
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