Configure Honolulu

Configure Honolulu

Configure Honolulu

What is Honolulu

Honolulu is a new way to manage servers. He consist in performing operations from a web interface instead of the different MMC consoles.

How Honolulu works

The Honolulu application works through a web browser. It is possible to manage servers Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2 and 2012. All of these servers are manage with an Honolulu gateway. It can be installed on a server running Windows Server 2016 or on a Windows 10 workstation. All operation is done through PowerShell and WMI over WinRM. It is possible to retrieve the source from the website below

In order to be able to manage servers on Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, it is necessary to install the Windows Management Framework 5.1 on these servers.

This article use Honolulu Technical Preview 1711. With this version it’s possible to have the following features.

  • Displaying resources and resource utilization
  • Certificate Management
  • Event Viewer
  • File Explorer
  • Firewall Management
  • Configuring Local Users and Groups
  • Network Settings
  • Viewing/Ending Processes and Creating Process Dumps
  • Registry Editing
  • Managing Windows Services
  • Enabling/Disabling Roles & Features
  • Managing Hyper-V VMs & Virtual Switches
  • Managing Storage
  • Managing Windows Update

Install and configure Honolulu

It is necessary to recover the installation file first. As a reminder, this last one can be retrieved from this URL :

Install and configure Honolulu

In the window, check the box I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.

Setup Honolulu is lauched Install and configure Honolulu

Check the box Create a desktop shortcut to launch Project “Honolulu” and click Next.

Install and configure Honolulu

You can use Self Signed Certificate or Certificate issue by one PKI. If you want use your PKI, you need enter the thumbprint of your SSL Certificate. You can if you want change the port. Click Install to lauch Installation.

Configure port for Honolulu

It’s necessary to install on my servers in 2012 R2 Windows Management Framework 5.1 on my servers.

After installation is complete, double-click the shortcut on the desktop and authenticate yourself using an Active Directory administrator account.
In the welcome window, click Next and Finish.

Launch Honolulu
Honolulu appear

In the Honolulu window, click Add and then Add Server Connection.

Add Connection

Enter the desired server name and select Use Another account for this connection. Enter the Credential and click Submit With Credentials.

Server has been added
Configure account for add connection

All server or Windows 10 Workstation are present in the Windows. Click on the desired Server. You can now manage your server with the web interface.

Server has added
Access to the functionnnality

You can execute PowerShell CMDLets or manage Services. You can also manage the various server services, access event logs or simply connect remotely.

Access to Powershell
Install and configure Honolulu Access to Services
Access to events
Install and configure Honolulu Access to remote desktop

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