Sysprep fails

Sysprep fails
At the launch of the sysprep with the Generalize option, an error appears. The error occurs at the execution of the sysprep.exe in command-line or through the GUI…
Sysprep was unable to validate your Windows installation. For more information, see the log file on

To start the diagnostics, it is necessary first to visualize the file SetupErr.log. The log file indicates a problem with a package The error 0x80073cf2 was mentioned.

Cause of the problem
Sysprep is composed of an additional provider added with Windows 10 and Windows 8. It allows the cleaning of Appx packages when the generalization of an image.
- Package user: Appx Package installed for a user account specific and not available for other users of the computer.
- Package of all users: means that the Appx package has been configured in the image so that the application can access to all users that use this image.
If a package of all users that is provisioned in the image was stopped manually from the image and not removed for a particular user, the provider an error will be generated when cleaning this package during sysprep.
How to solve the problem ?
To resolve the problem, it is necessary to run multiple PowerShell commands. As a first step, import the module appx. The Windows PowerShell cmdlets for AppX are designed to streamline the administration of AppX package management
import-module appx
import-module dism

Copy the name of this package in the setuperr.log file to use in the command that will allow deletion of the package. The package can now be removed using the PowerShell command:
Remove-AppxPackage -Package PackageName

Again run the sysprep.exe file, if the error message appears again check the log file and delete the new package problem. After removing the second packages I was able to run a sysprep on my Workstation Windows 10.