CmdLets SCCM
CmdLets SCCM
A SCCM server administration will be generally to add new drivers, images of boot or to installations and applications. This will also be to monitor the State of health of the infrastructure by looking at the logs file.
Using PowerShell with CmdLets SCCM is justified because it is thus possible to script some action and therefore to industrialize the process which some may be “heavy” when there are executed manually. For this Microsoft provides to people wishing Cmdlets to perform the administration of one or more servers SCCM.
To ensure continuity of service of the scripts during the climb in a SCCM Server version, we recommend that you download the latest version. This can be done using Download Center.
It is nevertheless to have PowerShell v3 or later version to be able to use the Cmdlets. Regarding the operating systems supported, the list below defines the prerequisites.
- Windows 10, 8, 8.1 et 7
- Windows 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 et 2012 R2
Concerning infrastructure sccm supported are as follows:
- Configuration Manager 2012 SP2
- Configuration Manager 2012 R2
- Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1
- Configuration Manager Current branch version 1511
Configure update notification functionality
It is possible to configure the features of notification in order to receive an alert when a new version is available. Three Cmdlets can be used:
- Get-CMCmdletUpdateCheck : gets the update feature configuration and will indicate if user policy is being overridden by system Policy.
- Send-CMCmdletUpdateCheck : lets you perform an unscheduled update check. An unscheduled check does not consider policy settings.
- Set-CMCmdletUpdateCheck : configures the update check settings on a per-user or per-system basis. You must be running as an administrator to set system settings.
Three parameters can be configured :
- UpdateCheckIsEnabled :0 for disabled and 1 for enabled. By default it’s enabled
- UpdateCheckTimeoutSeconds : Seconds until check times out.
The value by default it’s 60 secondes.
- UpdateCheckIntervalMinutes : Minutes until next update check will occur. Default is a full day