Windows 10 deploy guide
Windows 10 deploy guide
How to deploy “upgrade” has been greatly improved. This is to allow upgrading of posts to Windows 10 in easier way. To help you in this task Microsoft has updated layout a very practical guide.
Persons wishing to use the refresh scenarios and replace can obviously continue to do this with Windows 10. A summary of the types of usable images is detailed below.
How I can deploy Windows ?
The deployment of an operating system is a delicate operation. This affects the workstation but also his user environment. It is therefore important to take his time before making a deployment of a new operating system or a new application.
First and foremost, it is interesting to choose a type of image.
The Thick image used with ghost for example, is to completely install one compûter (operating system, driver, application,…) and then capture this to create a reference image. This type of image has a big advantages: time savings during the deployment and easier ‘profession’ application deployment.
Nevertheless it offers big disadvantages that it is difficult to ignore. Initially its size, in fact an image of this type weighs at least 2 GB.
In addition it contains applications (sage, comptability application,…) that do not have to be installed on all computer (for licensing reasons,…). This implies having a profile image (an image for the HR service, Compatibility service,…). So, we multiply the number of necessary image. The update of an application requires to capture completely a new computer and create a new image.
Say hybrid image contains only the operating system and common positions all applications (office, acrobat reader,…). It allows to reduce the size of the image and to allow an easier applications update. However this requires to be able to deploy the applications by other means (gpo, mdt, sccm,…).
Finally the application tell thin that contains only the operating system, it offers big benefits to be deployed on all positions. Thus only a master is used by the IT team. This allows an update of the easier image but also the ability to deploy a new version of an application much more simply. As for the hybrid image, the size of the master is significantly reduced.